❤️Help the stones create their pebble ❤️

Kelowna, Bc (CA)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

❤️Help the stones create their pebble ❤️

by Varina Stone

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $25,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $295.00

    Funds Raised
  • 2027

    Days to go
$295.00 raised of $25,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Kelowna, Bc (CA)

Varina Stone is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Help the stones create their pebble.❤️

As most of you know, my hubby and I have been trying for a baby for many years now (9) with no success. We’ve visited multiple doctors and undergone many fertility treatments, from basic medicated cycles up to max medicated cycles with IUI’s. It has taken a large toll on our hearts, my body and of course finances. We recently completed IUI #8 without success…or even a hint of hope.

We were recently informed that it is not believed that IUI will work for us as we have not had any positive signs of it working. We have been told our only chance for success is IFV. IVF will cost around $23,000. There is no financial aid or supports available for IVF in British Columbia.

I have always dreamt of being a mom, but unfortunately it seems it won’t be possible without help from science and of course all of you.

A bit of our backstory:

Ron and I met on a hot summer night ten years ago, at the begining of August. It was (cliche) love at first sight. On Aug. 12th we went on our first date, it was Vietnamese and we followed it with a nice walk before I started my shift at work. We continued texting all night, while I was at work, and we both agreed that neither one of us wanted to deal with head games and we wanted to have something serious. Me, being the weirdo that I am, proposed to him through a text message. Ron thought I was joking and even called me after I had continued repeating “marry me” to confirm if it was just humor. I explained “no we both want something serious and getting engaged proves that, if things don’t work out then that’s okay”. Ron said yes and on the evening of August 12th, 2012, we were engaged! That was the start of our life together.

By the begining of September we moved into our first place together, Ron, my dog Tank, and I. Within a year we knew we wanted to grow our family and have a child together, I began trying naturally…to no avail. By year two we started sessions at the fertility clinic… we both underwent many tests. Unfortunately, there were no explanations as to why we couldn’t conceive. We then began saving up for IUI and medicated treatments, by year three we still had no success. The fertility treatments began to increase slowly each year.

On August 13th, 2016, we were officially married, all the while doing fertility treatments. We had a small wedding as we were prioritizing our finances for treatments, they meant more to us. We tried for another two years… different medications, routines, seeing homeopaths and searching every avenue I possibly could. Each month got harder and harder, each cycle taking its toll mentally and physically.

In 2020 my body needed a break so I took a year off and in 2021 we started again on an even stronger regimen of medications to hopefully help, again it was to no avail. We are currently in July of 2022 and I have been on multiple medications at once, taken in different ways and strengths. I finally made two proper sized eggs. I was ecstatic and I was optimistic again! Yet again, my heart was shattered. After so many years of trying without even a hint of being pregnant we have been informed that there are no options left for us except for IVF as IUI is not working, and we are wasting money at this point.

We are utterly devastated and broken beyond words… We have put EVERYTHING into having a baby! Emotionally, physically, financially, you name it and we’ve tried it. Now we face a $23,000+ bill for even a chance with IVF.

All I ever wanted in my life, more than anything, is a family…

Hubby is retired military he served with the PPCLI for 14 years and completed two tours before retiring due to medical reasons. I am also retired, due to medical reasons, but those medical reasons are not one’s that should be stopping either of us from becoming parents.

When I was younger I was forced by doctors to give up the only baby I had ever conceived at 3.5 months along, they had sworn to me that I would be able to conceive again, but I have not. I regret that day every waking moment of my life.

This whole process has broken my spirit and now that we are at this wall it is almost beyond repair…and there is nothing we can do, but to ask for help from amazing people like you, the one’s that have taken the time to read this.

I am almost 37 years old and hubby is in his fifties now, we are simply running out of time. We have revised all options that we have for funding or other routes of becoming parents and all avenues still lead to needing at least $23,000 for the process. I have started saving, but it will take years, by ourselves, to achieve pur goal and by that time I may not have many (if any) eggs left.. I am almost out according to tests. We have asked everyone we know for help with a loan or to co-sign, but that has not been possible so far. I have looked at potential jobs with coverage, government grants, even considered the logistics of moving across country to the east coast where there is available funding, but in the end we come back to the big number of $23,000.

As most of you know I have rescued animals my whole life, until recently, I have now stopped to focus on this huge dream of ours. I am asking everyone who knows the struggle of infertility and even those who know the joy of being a parent, to understand our position and to request that you please help us create our pebble. If I could have any dream come true it would be for us to be parents…for me to hold my child in my arms and to know the joy of parenthood.

Being a mom is the biggest, sweetest dream I could ever imagine. The journey thus far has been filled with tears and heartbreak, but I could never forgive myself if we had not tried our hardest… and we have. We are now at a point, surrounded by walls, and we need help tearing these walls down. Please consider donating, or purchasing one of the many items I will be selling; I will be selling jewlery, vintage items, custom created dresses and anything possible to help reach this goal.

Please, please, please, I dream of you my pebble please come to us soon . I feel like a part of my heart is wandering this universe trying to find its way home and until I know the joy of parenthood it will be wandering forever.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story ❤️

  • 11-28-2022

    Another piece of broken heart ?

    July 7th
    Had another negative blood draw today ?
    I feel so numb. That test meant fertility treatments are done and over with unless we can one day hopefully do ivf .
    I feel so broken and lost. I wish they could find a reason for this. Unexplained fertility sucks. Noone should have to go thru this heart ache. I hope they start covering it under medical soon. As it is a medical condition

  • 11-28-2022

    Feeling broken

    July 5th
    Every day that goes by another piece of my heart breaks.
    Im so tired of wearing a mask when Im dying inside.
    Infertility fucking sucks!
    its a medical issue it should be covered! Thats why Im voting for the first time in My life this year. liberals want it covered.if that happened and I could finallyget ivf and it worked my soul would be whole for the first time ever !!

    July 6th
    Numb . Sitting in the rain.waiting on my final blood work. The result mean its all over .no more trying/tretments…..ill never be a mom without ivf. ?

  • 11-28-2022

    We\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re starting to roll

    So far pebble braclet sales and donations are at 280$ thank you everyone who has donated or bought a bracelet it means the world to us .(literally) and thank you to all of you who have shared . Every bit counts on this journey.
    I\\\\\\\\'m still very heart broken but taking it a day at a time and keeping busy ❤️

  • 11-28-2022

    Lost a pice of my heart

    July 12th

    It turns out the negative blood draw was right and wrong yesterday morning at 11 am I lost a rainbow ? baby. The final iui had worked and failed all at the same time. She was sent away for testing to see if we can get some answers as to why we haven\\\\'t conceived till now and why she didn\\\\'t make it. I hope we get some helpful answers. I asked for her back when they are done for burial.im absolutely devastated and beyond broken rigjt now. Thay was our last chance with fertility treatments as they won\\\\'t let me do more. I have already done 9 medicated cycles and 7 iui . So I am not allowed to do more. Our only hope now is ivf
    Please pray for us. Share our fundraiser .or be our angel and consider donating it means everything to us. I hope you are all enjoying the sun ?

  • 11-28-2022

    Happy anniversary

    Can\\'t belive its been ten years together already time has flown by. And six years married tomorrow. Love u to the moon and back baby ❤️?

  • 11-28-2022

    Embryo adoption

    Nov 28 2022

    As new tests and stuff have shown our best chances will not be IVF using mine and hubby\'s Reproduction Our best chance will be using an embryo that we will need to adopt we haven\'t quite figured out the logistics of it all yet but we do know it\'ll be about the same price as we are trying to raise right now I\'ll add more info as I figure it all out we\'re not sure if we\'ll have to go out of Country for it so I will keep it updated I hope everyone is doing well

Name Donation Date
Samantha Roberts $25.00 January 10, 2024
Anonymous $250.00 August 05, 2022
Tracy Jackson $20.00 July 03, 2022